Income Tax Relief: What You Can and Can't Claim if You're Self-Employed
Income Tax Relief: What You Can and Can't Claim if You're Self-Employed

How to Spot and Prevent Cash Flow Problems in Your Small Business
How to Spot and Prevent Cash Flow Problems in Your Small Business

Financing Your Small Business: What Are the Options?
Financing Your Small Business: What Are the Options?
18 Things TO DO when Starting a Business
Starting a new business is an exciting time but it can also be a very stressful one. You will make mistakes (you're not doing it right if...

SURE Initiative - Starting a New Company? You Could Be Due a Tax Refund
In May 2015, the government announced the Start-Up Refunds for Entrepreneurs (SURE) initiative, a new scheme whereby if you start your...
Home based business or Home Office - what can you claim against business income (12/2014)
Some home expenses may be allowable for business. It can be confusing to work out what is allowable and it really all depends on your...

Have You Been Unemployed & now Starting Your Own Business? There may be Tax Relief Available for
Thinking of Starting Your Own Business? Are you unemployed > 12 months? Then you can get tax relief for the first two years? The...
Operating as a Limited Company in Ireland
Incorporating a company (i.e. when you form a limited liability company) you actually create a legal entity that is a separate and...

Operating as a Sole Trader in Ireland
A Sole Trader business is one of the simplest types of business concerns to run. The Sole Trader i.e. you, a single person (a one-man/one...